Wednesday, December 15, 2010

To get a car I need Receipts!

Just a few weeks ago I got my drivers license. Oh yeah! The only problem is, I still don't have anything to drive. Anyways, I'm itching to start driving and asked my parents if we were to buy a car anytime soon. Unfortunately, the answer was no since they still need to save. So a few weeks ago, I noticed that 7-11 had a promo. Basically you need to buy 50 pesos worth of products and in your receipt you get a picture puzzle. You need to get all three pieces of the puzzle with the same brand logo in order to win. The first time I saw the promo, I didn't notice that I needed to have three tickets of the same brand. So, when I got three puzzle pieces for a brand new car, I instinctively ran to the nearest 7-11 to ask if what I got was valid. Apparently, my excitement was extingused when I found out that the brand in the three puzzle pieces weren't the same. @_@ bummer. When I got home I told my parents that it was a false alarm. It was then that I decided that I was going to try to get all three puzzle pieces with the same brand logo to win a Ford Fiesta! No harm in trying! With the help from my brother and sister and some friends, my hunt for the correct pieces has started! Good Luck to me and to everyone trying to win a brand new car. For those who want to join the promo here's the link to the mechanics: ^^

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